Explore Scratch Pay
Scratch Pay plans make patient financing simple & transparent.
Payment Plan Types
Learn more about the payment plans offered by Scratch Pay.
Application FAQ's
Get care now, and pay later. Applying now with no impact to your credit.
Account Management
Access your account, update preferences and get support.
Payment Assistance
Get help setting up auto pay, paying off your plan and more.
Account Management
Where can I view my current Scratch Pay payment plans?
Scratch Borrower Portal User Guide
How do I access my Scratch Pay account?
How do I update my contact information associated with my Scratch Plan Account?
How do I add a payment method to my Scratch Pay account?
How do I make a payment on my Scratch Pay plan?
How can I set up autopay for my Scratch Pay plan?
How do I apply for a new Scratch Plan from the Borrower Portal?
Where can I see upcoming scheduled payments for my Scratch Pay plan?
Do you offer an app to manage my Scratch Pay plan?
Where can I find my payment plan documentation?
How do update my payment due date?
How do I contact Scratch Support?
Where can I find the Scratchpay Terms of Service?
How do I manage email notifications for my Scratchpay account?
How do I disable mobile notifications (SMS) for my Scratch Pay plan?
What should I do if I suspect fraudulent activity on my Scratch Plan account?